
More FISHING like I said tis the season

Keith came down with his future wife Laurel while here we went to San Carlos FISHING between the 5 of us only caught 3 croppie and 2 carp, I was the looser none for me Keith, Mickey and Laurel al caught 1 croppie each Steve caught 2 carp it was a fun day with all of us but Steve getting sunburned. here are some pictures will post more of the weekend as they become available. Mickey had a big catfish on his pole it pulled the boat around and fought with it for about an hour, lost it dang it would have been a good picture oh well you win some you loose some, this is not one of those BIG FISHING STORIES it was reall!!

My sweet husband eating a rice krispie treat I love him lots

1 peeps said:

the woodards said...

Thank you for sharing the pics very nice...........