
Couer d' Alene Idaho

This picture is in a trailer that looks like Tim and Mandy's trailer, but this trailer was very fancy and expensive try $15,000 it was very cute and little This is Steve sitting by the make shift fire by the trailer, notice he crossed the rope that was keeping people out and away from the trailer thats ok we were tourist

Me and my Sis in the resort in Couer d' Alene Idaho we went there on Friday January 16 it was very pretty but foggy so I didn't get any pictures of the Lake I just guess we will have to go back in the summer

Steve and Denise in the resort

Deanne took us to Couer d" Alene Idaho for the $1.50 tour I feel we got more than the $1.50 tour thanks for the good time

1 peeps said:

Colton Nunley said...

I was not there that day because of a high fever, but it looks fun!